We at Life Loving Foods have entered the global plant-based burgers challenge. Burgers are the most consumed form of minced meat in the World. Statistics for France alone indicate that the yearly consumption is 1.2 billion Hamburgers or 38 per second as per planetoscope!
“En France, on consomme chaque année environ 1,2 milliard de hamburgers, soit près de 38 hamburgers par seconde (compteur). Le hamburger est très apprécié des Français qui en sont les plus gros consommateurs d’Europe avec presque 18 burgers par an, soit semble-t-il autant que les Britanniques avec 17 hamburgers par an.”
France is not an exception and similar figures are common Worldwide. Providing a tasty, healthy, rich in protein and fiber, functional and ecological plant-based burger can provide many benefits.
We have applied our know-how in making dry state mixes of kebabs and other popular foods to making a plain flavor minced beef style mix which by adding some water makes a burger patty in minutes.
As with our other products it is possible to prepare it in any shape and size desired and cook it in several different ways.